Adath Israel Brotherhood (formerly Men’s Club) has been around since 1933. Below are lists of our Past Presidents, Men of the Year, Past and Current Events, and Awards.
Present- Howard Goldwasser
2022-2024 Howard Goldwasser and Benson Stone
2020-2022 Perry Pitzele
2018-2020 Brett Leonard
2015-2018 Josh Lisman
2015-2016 Michael Weisman and Josh Lisman
2013-2015 Michael Weisman
2011-2013 Hamilton Lempert
2009-2011Joel Kling
2007-2009 Mitch Padnos
2005-2007 Gary Smith
2003-2005 Todd Winkler
2001-2003 Robert Lowenstein
1999-2001 Mark Barsman
1997-1999 Henry Mentle
1995-1997 Steven Adler
1993-1995 Michael Mills
1991-1993 David Dombar
1989-1991 Alan Weber
1988-1989 Michael Ganson
1986-1988 Edward Hattenbach
1984-1986 Norman Coe
1982-1984 Martin Holtzman
1980-1982 Scott Moss
1979-1980 Saul Fettner
1978-1979 Larry Neuman
1977-1978 Jay Kaplan
1975-1977 Stuart Tobin
1974-1975 Robert Sugerman
1972-1974 Carl Fox
1970-1972 Albert Shawn
1968-1970 Bernard Gessiness
1967-1968 Harry “Cookie” Cohen
1965-1967 Edwin Grusd
1963-1965 Don Maslov
1962-1963 Herbert Bass
1960-1962 Robert Siegel
1958-1960 David Johnson
1956-1958 William Shapiro
1953-1955 Albert Rachlis
1951-1953 Robert Greenfield
1949-1951 Louis Starnbach
1947-1949 Max Abrams
1945-1947 Jack Bogdan
1943-1945 Joseph Lipp
1933-1938 Fred Weiland
2024 Tim Patton
2023 Perry Pitzele
2022 Brett Leonard
2021 Rabbi Ben Chaidell
2020 Josh Lisman
2019 Lou Jacobs
2018 Bob Cohen
2017 Michael Weisman
2016 Mendy Fisher
2015 Howard Goldwasser
2014 Hamilton Lempert
2013 Mitch Cohen
2012 Joel Kling
2011 Rabbi Irvin Wise
2010 Mitch Padnos
2009 Brett Schwartz
2008 Gary Smith
2007 Buzz Widlansky
2006 Alan Weiner
1999 Mark Barsman
1991 Alan Weber
Mike Mills
Bible and Beer
Brotherhood Poker
Yom Hashoah Candle Project
Golf Tournament
Texas Hold’em Tournament
Brotherhood Shabbat
Charitable Gardening Project
Over the Rhine Soup Kitchen
Keruv Initiative
World Wide Wrap
FJMC Convention
Eco Friendly Shabbat Candles
L’Chaim Fund
Expert Speaker Program
Scholarship Fund
Interfaith Hospitality Network
Bartending at Adath Events
Mitzvah Day
Sukkah Building Project
Monday Minyan
Hearing Men’s Voices
Wine Tasting
Regional Awards Luncheon
Strategy Gaming Group
Superbowl Party
Father Daughter Dance
Burbon Trail
Torch awards for outstanding programing with the World Wide Wrap, Bible and Beer, and the Charitable Garden.
Quality Club Awards in 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2012. Previously we won awards in 1989, 1993 and 1995
Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785